First, you’ll be welcomed. Whether you have a long history with the Episcopal Church, you’re new to religion or church-going, or you’re somewhere in-between, you will be welcome. Our walk with God takes many forms, and we respect people in wherever they are in that journey.
The Episcopal Church is part of a liturgical tradition. Each week, we read from Scriptures, hear a sermon, pray for one another and for the world, ask God’s forgiveness and receive absolution, and join together in the Holy Eucharist. We stand, sit, and sometimes kneel. But what is important is not “getting it right” but being present with God and with the community. Everyone has their own ways of praying, so lift up your hands if the Spirit so moves you, or kneel before God’s presence if the Spirit so moves you!
We have two Sunday services, a quiet, more contemplative service at 8:00 without music and a more musical service at 10:15 with accompanying organ, piano, and four-part harmony choir. We also have a centering prayer time at 9:00 on Wednesday mornings. You are welcome to join us at either of these services. Childcare and church school are provided at the 10:15 service.
Finally, come as you are. We have no particularly dress code - folks come to pray in clothes ranging from suits to gym clothes!
That’s a lot to say: come as you are! Bring your joys, your doubts, your faith, and your heart - or probably all of them mixed up together!
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