Our lives as Christians don't end at our Baptism or when we accept the call to follow Jesus Christ. The path of discipleship is an ever-deepening relationship with God through Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit. And, like all other relationships, we Christians seek ways to get to know God more fully, to know ourselves more fully, and to take the love that God has given us into a hurting world. In short, we are asked to live, speak, and be the Gospel of Love.
Here are a few of the ways that Christ Church accepts and lives this call.
The Holy Eucharist is at the center of our life as a community of God in Jesus Christ. In it we find healing and joy as well as a challenge to live in Love with the world around us. Episcopalians believe many things about what the Eucharist is, but we all agree that in the Bread and the Wine we encounter God in a special way.
Reconciliation (also called "Confession") is at the heart of the Gospel: God has reconciled humanity to God's Love. Episcopalians confess their sins to God in their own hearts and in community during the liturgy, but some Christians need something more. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is open to all, though is not required. If you're interested in Reconciliation, feel free to get in touch with Father Tim.
God made humanity stewards of Creation, and it is our task to care for the world around us. We also learn things about God's Love, grace, and goodness in the natural world. Therefore, we take steps at our church building and in our community to help care for the natural world, from recycling to supporting local businesses dedicated to creation care.
Christianity is not just about becoming a better person but, in community, living a more fully in Jesus Christ. Spiritual direction is a way to help us hear God's call to us more clearly, especially at times of transition or spiritual dryness. A director prays with a person, listens to their life in God, and helps open up the person's heart to what God is saying and leading.
Father Tim is a trained spiritual director and offers direction to anyone who is interested. If you'd like to learn more about spiritual direction, contact Father Tim. You can also learn more about spiritual direction at the Spiritual Renewal Center in Syracuse (Father Tim is not associated with the center officially, but he whole-heartedly recommends checking them out!).
Want to know more about the Bible, our tradition as Christians, or just what an Episcopal is anyway? Join us in a variety of venues to deepen your understanding of God's presence of love in our world. Check out our ministry page for more information.
Christians pray for one another. If you have a concern or are anxious about something, or if you're filled with joy and thanksgivings for something that has happened in your life, let us pray with you. You don't need to be alone in your grief or your joy. If you have a particular prayer request, get in touch with our parish administrator or rector, and they will pass the prayer along to the prayer team. All prayers are confidential to the prayer team unless otherwise requested.
Just as Jesus sat by the bedside of the sick and the troubled, so too do we go to hospitals and homes to bring God's love to people in need. Whether it's bringing someone Communion when they can't get to church or just sitting beside someone who is lonely, we are there for you. If you have a particular need, get in touch with our parish administrator.